Minutes – October 2016



October 17, 2016

President Anne Pendrak presided and called the meeting to order.  A quorum was attained.

Present were:  Barbara Pleasant, Kamala Bauers, Ellie Roe, Ralph Roe, Liz Warriner, John Hopkins, Anne Pendrak, Jack Wall, Mike Maslaney, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes:  The minutes of September 12, 2016, were approved as written.

Treasurers’ Reports:  None

Old Business:

Park Report:  Barbara reported that no one came to the public meeting held by the Town on Sep 15th.  The Park committee began prioritizing the park projects into a 3-year plan.  There is a $60,000 budget for this year.  Terracing, a small child play area, and a perimeter walkway and landscaping are the high priority items that will be starting to working on.  The plan will be sent to the Town for approval.  Other items discussed were a bigger play area for older kids to the back of the park, a 35-space parking area, and planting more shade trees.  The additional land purchase is still moving forward, but no plans are being made for the new property yet.  There will be a Noise Ordnance meeting on Nov 3rd.

The Library Walking Club is scheduled to use the new Library Trail on the 1st Thursday’s each month; Ellie will check with the Library to see how they are doing.

Rec Park Trail Report:  Mike Maslaney reported that he had attended the Rec Authority meeting prior to this meeting.  They are looking for an organization/group to take ownership of the project, the build, and the maintenance.  If PFF is interested, Rec Authority needs a Letter of Understanding (LOU) outlining the level of involvement of the organizations.  The Rec Authority would be responsible for insurance.  A discussion was held regarding the project and PFF’s involvement.  Members were in favor of taking on the project, but not for ever.  Funds and fundraising needs were also discussed.

A motion was made, seconded, and passed that PFF would draft a Letter of Understanding (LOU) to the Recreation Authority outlining the terms of an agreement under which PFF will undertake the development of a trail on the Recreation Park property.  Barbara and Mike will work on the draft of the letter to present it to the board at the November meeting.  Mike will talk to Dennis Anderson, David Larsen, and Gary Crouch.  An easement will be needed from David Larsen.

Since the Rec Authority meets on the same day and time as PFF, it was decided to move our November meeting date to Monday, November 14 so that we can be prepared to present our letter at the Rec Authority meeting the following week.

Earth Day:  A discussion regarding the continuation of our Earth Day Festival was held.  There are problems with scheduling open dates and getting enough volunteers, vendors, and attendees.  The main purpose of the festival was education; member felt this had been accomplished and we did not need a separate festival for this any longer; smaller educational events throughout the year, or organizing an educational portion of the county fair might be better.  It was decided to not have Earth Day for 2017 and have members participate in other Earth Day activities in Floyd such as “Project Floyd” individually, then look for opportunities to have small educational events throughout the year.

County Fair:  The County Fair seemed to go very well; PFF Milk Bottle Toss game booth was the most popular.  A discussion was held for ideas for next year, which included:  building a new bottle set up; possible selling coffee as well as having teas; needing to furnish our own prizes next year; logistics of workers parking and working time (fair was from 10 am – 7 pm, but no one did games from 5-7 pm).  John suggested encouraging fair planning committee to incorporate a “Common Ground Fair” model into the fair.  PFF will continue to participate with a game and info booth, but may look to taking a bigger partnership role and doing something with the education tent area.

Sustain Floyd Film Series:  No new information.

New Business:





Meeting was adjourned.  Next meeting will be MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.  NOTE – This is a different date from our normal 3rd Monday schedule.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary