Minutes – January 2015



January 26, 2015

President Anne Pendrak presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Jack Wall, Barbara Pleasant, Mike Maslaney, Paul LeMay, Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauers, Anne Pendrak, Pat Sharkey, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes: The minutes from November 17, 2014, were approved read. There was no meeting in December.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Kamala reported for Treasurer Karin Grosshans that Karin did not have the SCC Annual Report information as she thought. Kamala reported that she had the paperwork and that she will take care of mailing the check for the SCC Annual fee. Kamala gave the Annual report forms to Dede to complete and submit. Dede reminded Kamala that these reports were due the end of January. The balance for the General Fund is $7536.96 and includes the donation of a deposit and a check to LJ Quesenberry. Karin’s report is attached and incorporated by reference.

County Professional Support Fund: Kamala reported for Karin that due to the lack of transactions, the Professional Support fund is about to go into dormant status. Karin recommended making a deposit to maintain the account in active status otherwise we will be required to pay a $5 monthly fee. The account currently has a balance of $42.50. Jack will make a $5 deposit to the Support fund to keep active.

Old Business:

Trails: Mike reported that he walked the trail with Dennis and Blake; Blake gave approval for route change. He reported that LJ Quesenberry will be out this week (1/26) to resurvey the route; the Town will match the survey cost by another $500. The Easement language drafted by Jim Shortt was approved by both Blake and David Burris; it will still have to go through the Board of Supervisors and the Town. Work on the trail will have to wait until the end of winter. We will need to have money for the trail by spring.

Barbara suggested a breakfast in the park to celebrate the trail opening. She indicated that there is a 3-page form to fill out to schedule an event in the park; we should keep a copy of our insurance on file with the Town.

Park Planning Committee Report:

Playground: Jane reported that she talked with Steve Arthur and Blue Mountain School about interactive art in the park; Steve is interested in the tractor project. Jane presented a project from Blue Mountain School for a spinning picture pole. The pole would be approximately 8’ tall with the top looking like a tree and having several layers of cubes that will rotate with different pictures on each cube side so that children can mix and match elements of the picture by spinning the cubes. The School proposes to put one pole up this year, then maybe one each year. The proposal emails are attached and incorporated by reference. The pole would be accompanied by a sign indicating they were donated by Blue Mountain School. Permission must be received from the Town first. It was suggested that PFF offer to subsidize some of the supplies and materials.

Other interactive elements were discussed. It was suggested that the hollow log on Canning Factory road could be a possible play element. PFF will try to find out who owns the log and if Citizens can move it for us.

Jane also reported that she has put information regarding the park on Facebook.

KidsZone: Kamala reported that the Obesity Council will be meeting to discuss KidsZone.

Elections: Dede reported for the Nominating Committee the following: terms are ending for Kamala Bauers, Jon Beegle, Anne Pendrak, and Dede McGrath; we have 3 open seats on the board; John Hopkins and Mary Wiley have been nominated as new directors; the current officers have agreed to another term in their respective offices.

A motion was made, seconded and approved to re-elect Kamala Bauers, Jon Beegle, Anne Pendrak and Dede McGrath to another term as directors and to accept Mary Wiley and John Hopkins as directors.

A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the slate of officers as presented: Anne Pendrak – President; Mike Maslaney – VP; Karin Grosshans – Treasurer; Dede McGrath – Recording Secretary; and Jane Cundiff – Corresponding Secretary.

Earth Day 2015: Kamala reported that she had sent out the wrong date: should be May 2nd not May 1st. The speaker Dr. Jeannie Davis, Professor of Horticulture and author of book on ginsing, is on-board and may possibly agree to do a ginsing workshop. A planning meeting was set for after the February meeting. More skill sharing activities was suggested. The event will again be held at the Eco-Village.

Beaches to Bluegrass Trail: No new information.

New Business:

Article/By-Law Changes: The board reviewed suggested changes to the Articles and By-laws, i.e., to add the word “ecological” to the last sentence of the Second Article (attached). Dede reminded the board that any changes made to the articles must be resubmitted to the SCC with a fee for approval; by-laws changes can be made at any regular board meeting with appropriate consensus. The board decided that the proposed change was not necessary to the Articles, but the change could be made to the by-laws without having a conflict with the articles.

A motion was made, seconded, and approved to add the word “ecological” to the second sentence of the by-laws, to read: “The Partnership shall support all activities historic, cultural, civic, ecological, and economical, beneficial to the quality of life and the general welfare of the area.”

  • Tourism Retreat: Pat Sharkey announced a Tourism Retreat taking place at the Hotel Floyd Conference Center on Thursday, February 26, 2015, from 9:30 am – 4:00 pm. Pat also announced that the Chamber of Commerce will be open 7-days a week starting in the spring.
  • Eco-Summit: The first Floyd Eco-Summit will be held Thursday, January 29, 2015, at the new Resource Center at 6:00 pm.
  • Floyd Investment Plan: Jack and Kamala spoke about a community investment plan.
  • Blue Ridge Music Festival: The music festival has been cancelled.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, February 16, 2015, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary