Minutes – October 2015



October 19, 2015

President Anne Pendrak presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Anne Pendrak, John Hopkins, Pat Sharkey, Jack Wall, Barbara Pleasant, Karin Grosshans, Mike Maslaney, Ellie Roe, Jane Cundiff, Kamala Bauer, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes: The minutes of September 21, 2015, were approved as read.

Treasurers’ Reports:

Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that there had been no activity in either the General Fund or County Professional Support Fund accounts; balances remain the same at $6654.05 and $47.50 respectively. Karin’s report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business:


Park Trail: Mike reported that he walked the trail last Sunday after the big rains and that the trail looked good with only the Burris part a bit muddy. The trail can be used.

Mike also reported that the property survey will be done within the next 2 weeks by J. Lewis and that once the plat is done we can get approval; we are continuing to move forward.

School Trail: No new information.

Jacksonville Trail: A discussion was held regarding a possible trail from the Jacksonville Center into town via the back side of Jax and Old Hensley Rd. Jeff Liverman is interested on behalf of the Jax Ctr. It was felt that Mr. Snead will try to block any kind of trail route down Old Hensley Rd and perhaps a trail, sidewalk, or bike lane along Rt 8 could work. Ellie will talk to Nancy Bell.

Bike Trail: Ralph reported that Paul Sullivan has a map. It was suggested that as there is a cycling group already in Floyd, that we let them take the lead on this project and offer 501 and other support. Jae and Mike will liaise with the group.

Park Planning Committee Report: Mike feels that the Town is ready to add more elements to the Park. He suggested that PFF develop a comprehensive plan to present to the Town, to include the new property addition. It was decided to get the Park Committee back together. Jane will put out a schedule of Park Committee meeting dates.

Jane reported that she spoke to Brammers regarding an old tractor to donate. It was also suggested to check the Floyd Group site.

Ellie reported the BMS revised their plan for a park element and is looking to do a log spiral instead of the Spin Pole. The new element will need ground cover. A discussion was held regarding playground safety and regulations. Jane presented some information from Susan Goranson who has worked with playground regulation before (see attached email). PFF would have to decide what age group to design the play area for. Jane indicated she spoke with Laurie about a possible playground grant for $500 for next year. It was also suggested to get the VA Tech Comm unity Design Studio involved; they may do a design for free. It was decided that PFF wants to keep it rustic and simple with interactive pieces.

Sun Sails: Mike reported that he had done more research on the sun sails but that they can only be made up to 80 linear feet, which is too small for our purposes. Discussion was held regarding alternatives. Pat suggested beach umbrellas or market umbrellas . Permanent placement holes could be sunk into the ground for them . We might be able to get the Town to buy them .

Earth Day 2016: It was decided to have our Earth Day Festival on Saturday, April 30t\ and to go with a local theme; possibly having Alison Bodin with her herbs and Dana Beegle with her plantings.

New Business:

Lodging Tax Alternative: Kamala presented a recommendation for an alternat_ive use of the Floyd Lodging Tax. This is a volunteer tax and the funds are given to the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation. Kamala would like to see the funds go to other projects in Floyd, but would need a non-profit organization to handle the funds. Kamala proposed for the PFF to be that non-profit. No decision was made and the discussion was tabled.

  • Patrick Holden at Eco-Village: World-renowned Patrick Holden will be coming to the Floyd Eco-Village on Nov. 10th at 6 pm.
  • VA Tourism Corporation: VA Tourism Corporation will be at the Floyd Country Store on Oct. 29th at 12:30 pm to discuss new grants.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, November 16, 2015, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary