Minutes – February 2016



February 22, 2016

President Anne Pendrak presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Michael Maslaney, Jane Cundiff, Paul LeMay, Anne Pendrak, Lisa Lotek, Virginia Neukirch, Susan Goranson, Kamala Bauers, Jack Wall, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes: The minutes of January 18, 2016, were tabled for approval.

Treasurers’ Reports:

There was no Treasurer’s report.

Old Business:

Park Planning Committee Report: Jane reported that there was a good turnout at the Town council meeting where PFF made its Park presentation. Jane presented a 9-page packet of information (link to full text) to the Counsel which contained some background information on the park and our ideas on new additional elements that PFF would like to begin creating/building . Mike and Keri Kovik brought some of their homemade instruments to play as a demonstration for the proposed music area. This area would feature a covered shelter with homemade/natural instruments (all in the Key of D); Mac and Jenny Trayhnam have agreed to help; we can involve the community to help build; and it can be build with an eye to expand later. The Counsel was very enthusiastic and even played with the instruments.

Jane reported Chris Thompson indicated he had some locust logs that PFF could use to create natural play and exercise elements.

The Park Committee will be meeting Sunday, 2/28, at 1:00 pm to do some preliminary layouts. It feels that the grading, slab, and metal roof for the shelter will be the biggest costs and that most of the other elements can be done with community help and donations of supplies and materials, thus keeping costs down.

A brief discussion of how to a lot money for the park projects was held. Members were reminded that we needed to keep some funds set aside for Earthday, but the rest were available for the park. It was thought PFF could get started on the natural element play area. Two seating areas are planned with extra logs for additional seating.

Jane reported that she had discussed lighting with Woody Crenshaw and he suggested industrial LED string light. Also we should think about going solar assisted as there may be some tax credits available.

Jane reported that she talked with Will and Brice regarding possibly terracing some areas of the park in front of the main stage.

It was suggested to have a Kids Art area with walls or chalk boards that kids can write and draw on.

Jacksonville Center (Charlie Bower) is on board and will be coordinating “Art in the Park”; it will either be permanent or on a rotating basis.

Mike suggested that the “tractor” element be made of wood and not metal; creating a wooden tractor instead of using a real one due to rust, sharp edges, gears, and other possible safety hazards a real tractor might have. Susan brought playground safety information and briefly presented information on safety zones, surface depths, etc. She indicated that while Trex is durable, it can also get extremely slippery and hot.

PFF would eventually like to see some food vendors in the park.

It was suggested that we get community involvement to help maintain some of the elements in the park – an “Adopt an Element” program and have various groups/organizations to adopt and maintain. It was also suggested to get some of the youth organizations involved with the building and maintaining.

A motion was made, seconded, and passed to ask the Town Counsel for $7000 to help with the construction of new elements in the park. PFF will be contributing some of our funds and will be encouraging people to donate supplies, materials, labor, and time.

Earthday: Jane discussed PFF’s Earthday Festival (link to full text). She indicated that it was observed that people did not come in the 1st or last hours of the day and proposed a change of hours to 11 am – 3 pm. Speakers need to be set up; the theme is “Gardening”; Jane could speak on growing and finding herbs for tea; David Grimsley, Joe Tesaro, and Barbara Pleasant could be possible speakers; Adam Breza could speak about the GAAP changes; Lisa Lotek will coordinate the kids’ activities and toy swap, possibly with the Sun Rise School.

Trails: No new info.

New Business:

Cool & Connected Program: Mike and Kamala presented information and a proposal on the Cool and Connected Program to increase broadband in Floyd County. Letters of support from organizations are needed. A motion was made, seconded, and passed for PFF to write a Letter of Support to the EPA in support of the Cool & Connected program.



Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, March 21, 2016, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary