Minutes – July 2017

July 17, 2017

President Anne Pendrak presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.
Present were: Jane Cundiff, Ellie Roe, Barbara Pleasant, Anne Pendrak, John Hopkins, and Dede McGrath.
Minutes: The minutes of June 19, 2017, were approved as corrected. Minutes should read: “The minutes of April 17, 2017, were approved with a correction in regard to the Recycling Brochure Project.” Old Business-Dodd Creek Trail Report-sentence 5 should be deleted as it was a typo left over from the May minutes.

Treasurers’ Reports

General Fund: Treasurer Barbara Pleasant reported there was no activity for this period; the general fund account balance remains at $7345.36. We received the invoice for the survey and plat; it was a little more than expected – $2500. Barbara also reported we received a partial invoice for the trailhead gates of $626.16. Barbara’s report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Unfinished Business

Dodd Creek Trail Report: It was reported that an electronic vote was taken since the last scheduled meeting to approve up to $1000 for the trailhead gates; the vote was passed; the $626.16 invoice will be paid. The gates construction has already begun.

A motion was made, seconded, and passed to increase the allotted amount for the survey to $2500; the survey invoice will be paid.

Jane presented a draft of the two trail signs, a welcome sign and rules sign; changes were made. Jane will send out a revised draft electronically for further changes and corrections. Ellie volunteered to create temporary rules signs until PFF can have permanent signs made. A discussion was held regarding the correct trail name: Dodd’s Creek or Dodd Creek. It was determined that the correct spelling is Dodd Creek. The trail will be the Dodd Creek Trail. Barbara reported a doggie bag station was needed. Jane asked members to start saving TP tubes as it was time for “tick tubes.” We might need Mike Shortt and his excavator back again for some additional work on the trail.

Barbara suggested it was time to do some trail fundraising and branding to help support the continued construction, improvement, and possible expansion for the trail. A discussion was held with several fund raising suggestions as: “GoFundMe,” a Dodd Creek Brew from the new brewery, scavenger hunts, obstacle courses, a Trail Fest, endowments for a feature or landscaping, ice cream social, etc. It was suggested to have a Trail Fest possibly in October (14th).
It was suggested that instead of planning our next trail, we should plan the expansion of the Dodd Creek Trail on to the adjoining Larson and Eggar properties. The trail would be an amenity for those properties. Ellie will have a conversion with David regarding his feeling about possibly expanding the trail to his property.

County Fair 2017: A discussion was held regarding prizes for the fair. Some members did not want to use recycled kid’s meal toys as it might look like we are supporting a particular restaurant. It was pointed out that the prizes came from many different restaurant sources, not anyone in particular. No decision was made.

New Business

Sustain Floyd Pledge: Jane reported that Sustain Floyd would like individuals to make a “Reduce Your Carbon Footprint” Pledge in support of the environment.



Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, Aug 21, 2017, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary