Minutes – May 2017

May 15, 2017

President Anne Pendrak presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Ellie Roe, Ralph Roe, Barbara Pleasant, Michael Maslaney, Jane Cundiff, Jayn Avery, Liz Warriner, Tim Smith, John Hopkins, Anne Pendrak, Jack Wall, Kamala Bauers, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes: The minutes of April 17, 2017, were unavailable. Dede read from the meeting notes. Approval of the April minutes will be tabled for the next meeting.

Treasurers’ Reports

General Fund: Treasurer Barbara Pleasant reported the balance for the General Fund is $9,923.60. The bill for the use of the school for the Health Fair was received and it was larger than expected – $599.43; leaving us $137.43 in the hole for the Health Fair. Several “Click & Pledge” donations were received – $400. There are two pending invoices: the post office box and the bill from Mike Shortt for the culvert placement – $2408.75. Barbara’s report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business

Dodd’s Creek Trail Report: Mike reported that Mike Shortt was working on the trail drainage issues and culvert placement. The initial estimate of $2300, which was approved to pay via electronic motion and vote after the April meeting (see attached), was lower than the actual cost – $2408.75. The work is critical to the trail.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to pay the remaining balance difference to Mike Shortt for the drainage and culvert work on the Dodd’s Creek Trail.
Mike, Doug Thompson, and Mike Shortt all walked the trail and altered the path slightly to soften the switch back; this alteration should not affect the trail survey, the trail may end up being totally on park land and no easement may be needed. There is still a plan to move the container on the property as it interferes with parking and the trail entrance. The Town may help with funding of the trail. A fence is needed by the end of the trail. They are also moving the end of the trail so that it does not interfere with the ball fields. The Project Floyd work party was a big help; they were very hard workers. Mike reported that, so far, the Rec Authority is pleased with PFF’s work on the trail so far.
Barbara reported that Dustin Hollandsworth has not stopped by the bank to fill out the signature cards for the escrow account; no money is in the account at this time, though $2000 is pledged to the account.
Ellie inquired if PFF will be creating the rules/info signs. Mike indicated that PFF would be doing the signs. There was discussion regarding dogs on the trail; Mike indicated that Doug was open to the idea of dogs on the trail. It was reported that the new sign at the Park entrance indicated “leashed dogs only on the trail.”

Library Trail: It was mentioned that PFF still had not had a ribbon cutting event for the Library-Park Trail. Since the trail’s Old Hensley Rd entrance is in dispute at this time and no further information is available regarding the new property and re-routing of the trail end, it was decided to wait on a ribbon cutting at this time.

Park Report: Terracing has begun. Dede and Anne brought to the attention of the PFF board that a former member was spreading accusations of the PFF mishandling of park funds. A discussion was held. Dede will find the minutes from the period when the park fund was rolled back into the general fund and send them to the board members from review. No further action will be taken at this time.

Health Fair: Jane reported that she has gotten some feedback from some of the vendors regarding the fair. The vendors really appreciated having helper to help bring in supplies for the vendors during set-up. The booth fee next year will be $15 for all. Electricity needs did not seem to be a problem.

Big Give Day: John reported that, though we weren’t signed up for the Big Give, we have been receiving donations through the Click & Pledge system; we have received $400 so far. The donate button is also on the website.

Sustain Floyd Film Series: No new info.

New Business

Water Concerns in Floyd: Jayn Avery, Preserve Floyd, spoke to the PFF regarding the fragility of the water in Floyd County and some of the things being done to educate the community. She indicated that a water issue/pipe line film was being shown on June 8th. Additionally they are having an anniversary event to celebrate the stopping of the pipeline, though she indicated that the pipeline was still a viable and important issue as it can affect Floyd water even if it doesn’t go through Floyd County. She would like to see and educational program for the schools and churches, etc, about Floyd water, storm water management, alternative energy systems, etc. It was suggested that Preserve Floyd should regularly attend the County BOS meetings and speak at the public discussion time.

Town Summer Events: Kamala reported that the Town of Floyd is planning to hold several events over the summer in the park and they would like PFF to help. There was no clear idea of what the Town wanted PFF to do; more information is needed. Having a table at the events was suggested.

Wills Ridge Marquee Sign: Ellie reported that the marquee sign was falling apart and needed to be replaced. Ellie wondered if PFF could pay to replace the sign. Mike suggested that Ellie see if the Floyd UMC still has their old sign and see if they would be willing to give/sell the sign. Ellie will check with Floyd UMC.

County Fair: County Fair date is Sep 9th at Chantilly Farms.


Artists & Author Reception: Barbara will be the speaker at an Artists & Author reception at the Hotel Floyd on July 14th from 5-7 pm; reception is free.

EBT Table Volunteers: The EBT Table at the Farmers Market is looking for volunteers to work 2-hour shifts at the market on Saturday from 9 am – 1 pm. If interested contact farmersmarketfloyd@gmail.com.

Tour De Floyd: Tour de Floyd Bike Race needs volunteers on May 20th for water stations, etc.

Blue Ridge Music Festival Music Concerts: Friday night Brass at Hotel Floyd; Saturday morning Strings at Farmers Market; Saturday Evening Blue Grass Workshop; and Sunday Classical Music with David Wiley at Eco Village.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, June 19, 2017, at 5:30 pm at Wall Residences. NOTE CHANGE OF TIME. Jack will cook. Pot luck is also welcome.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath
Recording Secretary