Minutes – May 2015



May 18, 2015

President Anne Pendrak presided and called the meeting to order. A quorum was attained.

Present were: Barbara Pleasant, Jane Cundiff, Anne Pendrak, Ralph Roe, Karin Grosshans, Ellie Roe, Jack Wall, Mary Wiley, Mike Maslaney, and Dede McGrath.

Minutes: The minutes of April 20, 2015, were approved as read.

Treasurers’ Reports:

General Fund: Treasurer Karin Grosshans reported that the General Fund has an account balance of $7302.54. Most of the Earth Day proceeds and reimbursement had been deposited or paid; there still may be some pending, though at this time we have about an $80 net profit. Additionally, we received a letter from the New River Land Trust (the organization that produced “To The Last Drop – Floyd’s Water Future”) and a $100 donation; this has not yet been deposited. Karin’s report is attached and incorporated by reference.

County Professional Support Fund: Karin reported that the County Prof. Support Fund has an account balance of $47.50; there was no activity in this account. Karin’s report is attached and incorporated by reference.

Old Business:

Trails: Mike reported that the easements have been completed and filed. PFF, with the help of some Young Life volunteers, had a successful work day to help clear the trail to make the bulldozing easier. Dennis will need to let us know his schedule for work on the trail, but perhaps mid-June, weather depending. Jane talked about building a simple, no-arc, bridge using old telephone poles; she passed around a picture; Mary indicated that she had some old poles. Also discussed was a possible need for steps between the Burris/Blake properties and possible steps at the library end of the trail on the hill.

Park Planning Committee Report: Anne reported that she had no new information on the log; she is still trying to track down the owners. Jane reported that there was no new information on the BMS Spinning Pole project; she had expected it to be installed before the end of the school year. The park is being used and there are several events scheduled coming up. It was decided to let the park sit for a while and move onto pursuing the school trail.

Earth Day 2015: The EarthDay event was very successful and well attended. A discussion was held regarding things to do for 2016. Suggestions included: trying to get an attendance count, extra help at the info booth; signs for free trees, kiosk w/ activity/booth locations and times, use built-in office area for info booth, separate PFF both from info booth, use Earthday stickers instead of name tags (too congested) – can also help with attendance count, continue toy swap, being back plant/seed swap, send flyers out earlier, use local speakers, have jars for soup-to-go, etc. Possible dates for 2016 are Apr 30 or May 7. Karin will reserve Wills Ridge sign again. Possible theme: recycle; possibly have Teresa Sweeney as speaker; possible have Kodiak Shredding come for a shred day. Ellie and Ralph Roe’s reports are attached and incorporated by reference.

It was reported that the Wills Ridge sign is in need of new letters. It was decided to research cost to see if PFF wants to help with the purchase of new letters.

Farm Day: June 17th at the Eco-Village from 10 am – 5 pm, as part of the State of Virginia Crooked Road events. Jack is looking for ideas for activities.

New Business:

PFF Website: Ralph will look into a new website. Dede brought photo albums for Kamala.

VA Blue Ridge Music Festival: Mary Wiley presented information on the VA Blue Ridge Music festival and asked for help spreading the word. It was suggested she contact Pat Sharkey the new tourism director. Mary will send the info to Jane to send out to PFF members and friend. Mary also indicated that food was needed for the reception. If interested, contact Virginia Newkirch at 745-7157.



Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be Monday, June 15, 2015, at 6:30 pm at Wall Residences.

Respectfully submitted,
Dede McGrath,
Recording Secretary